Indians got freedom from the British empire in 1947 but we are still subordinated by the Britishers. Britishers have overpowered on us by enforcing their language on us. Even today a man with good vocabulary in English is considered as "intelligent" irrespective of his knowledge in any other stream. Imagine living in a nation where you, a member of the majority, are unable to read the label of the medicine you must give your child, the menu at a local restaurant or even the warning signs of the road; a place where you are unable to comprehend the government document officiating your driver’s license, tax filing or marriage. This is the world that hundreds of millions of Indians live in simply because the elite prefer English. This discrimination has become so systemic that the elite and middle classes send their children to English private schools while the vast poor send theirs to the government schools of their mother tongue. One need not mention that universities and...